Our Vision
We envision a world in which the manufacturing of wooden home products will look different: with no mass production of wooden goods. We envision a world in which to live a life of less waste, a life with more ethically crafted products, more personal touch and more care/respect for the environment.
We want to help build that future by doing our part to contribute to that: we maintain the on-demand manufacturing practices in our wooden atelier. When you place an order with OGIVAS, you are getting something made especially for you or your child in our workshop.
Small products – Big impact
We believe that one small piece of wooden luxury can create lasting memories for children, parents and families for years to come. Through the investment in our small products, customers make a big impact: they support the living of a family in Bulgaria. We try to provide local people from disadvantaged backgrounds with skills and means of subsistence. So disadvantaged people feel appreciated and confident.
Changing the world begins with childhood. At OGIVAS we believe in the power of Early Childhood Care and Education to impact and shape the future society for good. We believe that .experiencing a happy childhood is the root of all good, it is the foundation for having a healthy and happy lifestyle as an adult.
We believe everyone can help make a positive impact on children’s lives by creating and cultivating beautiful moments and memories for the children around them; be it with service or with products for children. Not taking responsibility for the children from today equals no responsibility and no care for tomorrow and the world after tomorrow.
We believe that children need places where they can live, play, learn and grow safe, free and respected as individuals with age specific needs and rights. We envision a world in which respectful treatment of children is common, no matter of their origin, gender, age etc.. Therefore OGIVAS aims to collaborate with local companies in order to support projects for children and families.